
My profile

How can I edit my profile?

To edit your profile, follow these steps: Log in to Tierio. Click on "My Profile". Click on the edit icon 🖊️ next to the field you want to change. Edit your details. Confirm the changes by clicking "Save".

How can I upload a photo as a pet sitter?

To upload a photo, follow these steps: Log in to Tierio. Click on "My Profile". Click on "Add Photo" on the photo placeholder. Follow the instructions. The photo should be at least 640x640 pixels in size and in PNG, JPG, or GIF format. Good to know: Uploading a nice photo o

How can I upload documents?

To make your profile more trustworthy, upload relevant documents such as your resume, references, or certificates. Documents must be in PDF format and not larger than 5 MB. To upload documents, follow these steps: Log in to Tierio. Click on "Documents". Here you can upload up to 5 docum

I've received enough contact requests. How do I pause my profile?

If you have received enough contact requests or jobs, you can pause your profile. This means your profile will no longer be visible to others. You can still see your existing contacts and message them. To pause your profile, follow these steps: Log in to Tierio. Go to "My Profile".

Why was my profile rejected?

A profile rejection at Tierio can be disappointing, but it serves an important purpose: ensuring safety, quality, and trust within our community. Reasons for rejection vary from incomplete profile information to lacking evidence of experience or qualifications. Benefits of a thorough profile revi

How do I verify my profile?

Verified profiles ✅ build trust on the platform, and your profile will appear higher in search results with free verification. Verification compares the information in your profile with that on your ID document. Who can get their profile verified? Your profile must be fully completed, and you must

What should I do if verification doesn't work?

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble verifying your profile. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot: Try using a different device and restart the verification process. Use a different browser to access the verification process and restart it. Clear the cache in the