Pet sitter job vacancies in Gladbeck: Start today!

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We found 2 job offers for you.

Looking for someone to take care of my furry family - dog and a cat in walsum

Looking for someone to take care of our dog and cat from 22nd to 28th April. they are both lovely and homely pets. You can visit our place and play with them or our dog can stay with you. Cat requires twice a day feeding

Suche Hundesitter in Bochum

Hallo, Ich suche einen tierlieben kompetenten erfahrenen Hundesitter/in während meines Nebenjobs. Da dieser im Stadion ist, fallen die Termine meistens auf einen Samstag. Jedoch gibt es auch mal freitags oder sonntags Spiele.3 - 4 Stunden inkl. Gass…

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