
How do I verify my profile?

Verified profiles ✅ build trust on the platform, and your profile will appear higher in search results with free verification. Verification compares the information in your profile with that on your ID document.

Who can get their profile verified?

Your profile must be fully completed, and you must have uploaded a photo.

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Have your smartphone with a camera and your ID ready – that's all you need.
  2. Log in to your user account on Tierio.
  3. Go to the [Verify Profile] button in the menu and click on it.
  4. Follow the steps provided.*
  5. Your data will be reviewed, which may take up to two working days in exceptional cases.
  6. Upon successful verification, you will receive an email and the "Verified" badge will appear on your profile.

*Please note: A camera is required for verification. Since you'll be doing the verification in your browser, you may need to grant the browser access to your camera. This can usually be adjusted easily in your device's system settings if your browser doesn't prompt you automatically. Tip: It's best to check your settings before starting the verification process. Make sure to return to the verification flow after making any changes.

If you encounter any issues, try starting the verification process again. If it still doesn't work, feel free to contact us.

During the verification process, with the support of our close partner pxl-vision, your identity is verified and confirmed. The verification is based on the same technology used by banks or government offices, verifying the authenticity of the person's ID document. This ensures that the profiles belong to real individuals.

With a verified profile, you can gain users' trust and significantly increase your chances of successful requests. Take advantage of this opportunity and get your profile verified today! ✅